- P - Glossary Terms


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Palatable refers to products and ingredients that are acceptable to one's sense of palate or taste.



A pathogen is defined as an organism causing disease to its host. This medical term describes viruses, bacteria, and other types of germs that can cause some kind of disease. Flu, various parasites, and athlete's foot fungus are all considered to be pathogenic.



The PSC helps businesses implement sustainability in their day-to-day operations in order to create a more sustainable pet industry.



pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a substance or solution is. pH levels help keep bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms at bay. It also plays a role in digestion, energy production, and mood regulation. pH levels in pets can affect everything from dry skin to mental health. pH balance can also be the culprit to why your front lawn has brown patches from dog urine. Indicators of off balance pH levels can be change in urine color and odor, increased thirst and urination, behavioural changes, frequent infections, dry or dull coat, straining to urinate, foul-smelling urine, lethargy.



Pizzle, bully sticks, are made from high-protein beef muscle, specifically, the pizzle (or penis) of an animal.



Potassium is an essential mineral for all body functions. Potassium helps nerves, muscles heart function well, and helps move nutrients and waste around the body's cells. Potassium is crucial to heart function and plays a key role in skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, making it important for normal digestive and muscular function.



Post biotics are the components that result from probiotic activity in the gut, like fermentation. As intestinal microbes consume prebiotic fiber, the result of that fermentation or consumption is what is known as postbiotics. Fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, tempeh, and naturally fermented sauerkraut may help meet needs as they are some of the heaviest hitters for postbiotic production.



Prebiotics are a source of food for a gut's healthy bacteria. They are carbs that the body can't digest. Prebiotics go to the lower digestive tract where they act like food to help the healthy bacteria grow. 



Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for a body, especially the digestive system. They are "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep the gut healthy. Probiotics help send food through the gut by affecting nerves that control gut movement. 



Proteins are needed for the body to function properly and are the basis of body structures such as skin and hair. Proteins help repair and build body tissues, allow metabolic reactions to take place and coordinates bodily functions. In addition to providing the body with a structural framework, proteins also maintain proper pH and fluid balance.




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