Dog Food: Natural Dog & Puppy Food

Dog Food: Wide Selection of Natural Dog & Puppy Food

For over 25 years, Maddies Natural Pet Products has been Western Canada's leading natural pet product distributor. We are well-versed in the significance of providing our cherished canine companions with the highest quality nutrition. Dog food plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of dogs and puppies at every stage of their lives.

Explore Further:

As a leading dog food wholesale distributor, Maddies is committed to offering an exceptional selection of natural dog and puppy food options from the industry's most respected brands. Maddies Natural Pet Products, a distinguished dog food wholesaler, features a broad range of products from premier brands.

Our comprehensive catalog caters to dogs' unique dietary needs and preferences at every life stage, making it an ideal solution for pet food shops and pet supplies stores in the Western Canadian market.

We recognize that dogs require various protein sources and nutritional options to flourish. That's why our range includes ingredients such as bacon, beef, bison, boar, buffalo, chicken, cod, duck, egg, fish, herring, lamb, mackerel, mutton, peanut butter, plant, pork, quail, rabbit, salmon, seafood, trout, tuna, turkey, venison, vegetable, fruit, mint, pumpkin, vanilla, cheese, sweet potatoes, cranberry, and banana, as well as grain-free, odor-free, non-GMO, with-grain, and limited ingredient diet options.

In addition to providing diverse products, Maddies addresses specific health concerns, such as weight control, urinary support, digestive care, skin and coat care, fur care, neutered dogs, muscle development, and hairball control. Our dedication to quality and innovation ensures that our retail partners have access to the finest natural dog and puppy food solutions, allowing them to meet the evolving needs of discerning Canadian pet owners.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What are the different types of dog food available?

Various types of dog food include dry kibble, wet or canned food, dehydrated, freeze-dried, raw, fresh food, chews, bones, and treats suitable for dogs and puppies at all life stages.

Q: How often should I feed my dog?

Feeding frequency depends on factors such as age, size, breed, and activity level. Generally, adult dogs should be fed twice a day, while puppies may require more frequent meals. Consult your veterinarian for personalized feeding recommendations.

Q: What are the benefits of grain-free dog food?

Grain-free dog food can be beneficial for dogs with allergies or sensitivities to grains, as it may reduce inflammation and improve digestion.

Q: How do I transition my dog to a new food?

Introduce the new food gradually over a period of 7-10 days by mixing it with the old food, slowly increasing the ratio of new to old until your dog is fully transitioned.

Q: Can I feed my dog a vegetarian or vegan diet?

While dogs are omnivores and can adapt to a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is crucial to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Consult your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog's diet.

Q: What is a limited-ingredient diet?

A limited ingredient diet is designed to minimize potential allergens by using a single protein source and a few select ingredients, making it easier to identify and avoid ingredients that may cause sensitivities.

Q: How do I choose the best dog food for my pet?

Consider factors such as high-quality ingredients, appropriate nutritional profile, and consult your veterinarian for personalized recommendations based on your dog's specific needs.

Q: What are the benefits of a raw diet for dogs?

Raw diets are uncooked and unprocessed. Dogs benefit from these raw meals since they are packed with naturally occurring, high levels of protein and nutrients. Raw meals are closer to how your dog's ancestors used to eat. Talk to your veterinarian about the many ways a raw diet can help your dog.

Q: What should I look for in a puppy food?

Puppy food should be formulated specifically for growing dogs, with higher protein, fat, and calorie content than adult dog food, as well as added nutrients for optimal growth and development.

Q: How do I know if my dog has a food allergy or sensitivity?

Signs of food allergies or sensitivities include vomiting, diarrhea, itching, skin issues, and hair loss. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has a food-related issue.

Q: Can dogs eat cat food?

No, cat food is formulated for cats' specific nutritional needs and may not provide a balanced diet for dogs. Feeding dogs cat food can lead to nutritional imbalances and health issues.

Q: What is the best way to store dog food?

Keep dry dog food in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, and refrigerate any opened cans of wet food. Always follow the manufacturer's storage recommendations.

Q: How can I encourage my dog to drink more water?

Provide fresh water daily, consider using a dog water fountain, and feed wet food to help increase your dog's water intake.

Q: How do I know if my dog is overweight?

An overweight dog may have difficulty feeling their ribs, a rounded appearance, or a sagging belly. Consult your veterinarian for an accurate assessment and weight management plan.

Q: What are the benefits of a high-protein dog food?

High-protein dog food supports muscle maintenance, helps manage weight, and provides essential amino acids for overall health.

Q: Can I feed my dog human food?

Some human foods are safe for dogs in small amounts, but others can be toxic. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing new foods to your dog's diet.

Q: How do I prevent a food aggression in dogs?

To prevent food aggression, practice consistent feeding routines, provide a calm environment during mealtime, and use positive reinforcement training. If your dog exhibits aggressive behavior, consult a professional dog trainer or veterinarian for guidance.

Q: Are there dog foods specifically designed for certain breeds?

Yes, some dog foods are formulated to address the unique nutritional needs and health concerns of specific breeds. Consult your veterinarian to determine if a breed-specific food is appropriate for your dog.

Q: How do I choose the right dog food for my dog's specific health condition?

Consult your veterinarian for personalized recommendations based on your dog's health condition, as they may suggest a prescription diet or a food tailored to address specific health concerns.

Q: What are the benefits of including fruits and vegetables in dog food?

Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health, immune function, and digestive wellness in dogs.

Q: Is it safe to feed my dog a raw food diet?

While some pet owners and veterinarians advocate for raw food diets, there are potential risks, such as bacterial contamination and imbalanced nutrition. Consult your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog's diet.

If you don't find what you are looking for or need help choosing the right product for your pet, please use the live chat button at the bottom of the page. We’ll be happy to help you!

86 Results

Per Page
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ancestral Grain Ocean Cod MINI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15887
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 42.99


    Cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, whole spelt, whole oats, dried beet pulp, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin, fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried sweet orange, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Ash (max): 6.90%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.0%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%; Calcium (min): 0.80%; Phosphorus (min): 0.70%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Glucosamine hydrochloride* (min): 1000mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles. 


    EM Kcal/lb 1812 - Mj/lb 7.58
    400 Kcal/cup

    N&D Cod, spelt, oats and orange recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance.

    • Ancestral Grains
    • 90% proteins of animal origins
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% corn
    • Low glycemic index
    • Single animals protein
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • FARMINA ND DG Ancestral OCN Codfish,OrangeMED/MAXI Smpl 25ct

    Item No. 15890
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ancestral Grain Ocean Cod MED-MAXI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15888
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 42.99


    Cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, whole spelt, whole oats, dried beet pulp, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin, fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried sweet orange, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Ash (max): 6.90%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.0%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%; Calcium (min): 0.80%; Phosphorus (min): 0.70%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Glucosamine hydrochloride* (min): 1000mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles. 


    EM Kcal/lb 1812 - Mj/lb 7.58
    400 Kcal/cup

    N&D Cod, spelt, oats and orange recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance.

    • Ancestral Grains
    • 90% animal protein
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% corn
    • Low glycemic index
    • Single animal protein
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ancestral Grain Ocean Cod MED-MAXI 12kg

    Item No. 15889
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 134.99


    Cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, whole spelt, whole oats, dried beet pulp, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin, fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried sweet orange, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Ash (max): 6.90%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.0%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%; Calcium (min): 0.80%; Phosphorus (min): 0.70%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Glucosamine hydrochloride* (min): 1000mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles. 


    EM Kcal/lb 1812 - Mj/lb 7.58
    400 Kcal/cup

    N&D Cod, spelt, oats and orange recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance.

    • Ancestral Grains
    • 90% proteins of animal origin
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% corn
    • Low glycemic index
    • Single animal protein
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • FARMINA Puppy Ocean COD, Pumpkin Cantalou MINI Sample/25ct

    Item No. 15034
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
  • FARMINA Ocean Puppy COD, Pump. Cantalou MINI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15912
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 52.99


    cod, dehydrated cod, sweet potatoes, herring oil, dehydrated herring, dried pumpkin, dehydrated shrimp (source of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate), pea fiber, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin,
    fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried cantaloupe melon, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, vitamin A supplement,
    vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc
    methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 35.00%
    Crude Fat (min):20.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 1.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.10%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.80%
    Calcium (min): 1.10%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.91%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min):1.80%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.50%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1871 - Mj/lb 7.83
    413 Kcal/cup

    • Made without Grains
    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA Ocean Puppy COD, Pump. Cantalou MINI 7kg

    Item No. 15913
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 124.99


    cod, dehydrated cod, sweet potatoes, herring oil, dehydrated herring, dried pumpkin, dehydrated shrimp (source of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate), pea fiber, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin,
    fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried cantaloupe melon, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, vitamin A supplement,
    vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc
    methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 35.00%
    Crude Fat (min):20.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 1.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.10%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.80%
    Calcium (min): 1.10%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.91%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min):1.80%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.50%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1871 - Mj/lb 7.83
    413 Kcal/cup

    • Made without Grains
    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA PPY Ocean COD, Pumpkin Cantalou MED/MAX Sample/25ct

    Item No. 15035
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
  • FARMINA Ocean Puppy COD, Pump, Cantalou MED-MAXI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15914
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 52.99


    Cod, dehydrated cod, sweet potatoes, herring oil, dehydrated herring, dried pumpkin, dehydrated shrimp (source of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate), pea fiber, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin, fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried cantaloupe melon, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 35.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 20.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 1.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.10%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.80%
    Calcium (min): 1.10%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.91%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min):1.80%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.50%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1871 - Mj/lb 7.83
    413 Kcal/cup

    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA Ocean Puppy COD, Pump, Cantalou MED-MAXI 12kg

    Item No. 15915
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 149.99


    Cod, dehydrated cod, sweet potatoes, herring oil, dehydrated herring, dried pumpkin, dehydrated shrimp (source of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate), pea fiber, dried carrot, suncured alfalfa meal, inulin,fructooligosaccharide, yeast extract, dried cantaloupe melon, dried apple, dried pomegranate, dried spinach, psyllium seed husk, dried blueberry, salt, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, brewers dried yeast, turmeric, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, ascorbic acid, niacin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, choline chloride, beta-carotene, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-Methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine, aloe vera gel concentrate, green tea extract, rosemary extract, mixed tocopherols (a preservative).


    Crude Protein (min): 35.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 20.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 1.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.10%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.80%
    Calcium (min): 1.10%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.91%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min):1.80%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.50%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1871 - Mj/lb 7.83
    413 Kcal/cup

    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA Dog Ocean Salmon COD Cantalou AD MINI Sample/25ct

    Item No. 15027
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
  • FARMINA Ocean Dog Salmon, COD Cantalou AD MINI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15916
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 52.99


    Salmon, dehydrated salmon, sweet potato, cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, dehydrated herring protein, pea fibre, dried carrot, alfalfa meal, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), dried cantaloupe melon, dried blueberry, dried apple, dried spinach, psyllium husks and seeds, dried pomegranate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, dried brewers' yeast, turmeric, aloe vera extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 18.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.00%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%
    Calcium (min): 0.80%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.70%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles

    EM Kcal/lb 1786 - Mj/lb 7.47
    394 Kcal/cup

    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA Ocean Dog Salmon, COD Cantalou AD MINI 7kg

    Item No. 15917
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 124.99


    Salmon, dehydrated salmon, sweet potato, cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, dehydrated herring protein, pea fibre, dried carrot, alfalfa meal, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), dried cantaloupe melon, dried blueberry, dried apple, dried spinach, psyllium husks and seeds, dried pomegranate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, dried brewers' yeast, turmeric, aloe vera extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 18.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.00%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%
    Calcium (min): 0.80%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.70%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles

    EM Kcal/lb 1786 - Mj/lb 7.47
    394 Kcal/cup

    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA Dog Ocean Salmon COD Cantalou AD MED/MAX Sample/25ct

    Item No. 15026
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
  • FARMINA Ocean Dog Salmon, COD Cantalou AD MED-MAXI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15918
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 52.99


    Salmon, dehydrated salmon, sweet potato, cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, dehydrated herring protein, pea fibre, dried carrot, alfalfa meal, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), dried cantaloupe melon, dried blueberry, dried apple, dried spinach, psyllium husks and seeds, dried pomegranate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, dried brewers' yeast, turmeric, aloe vera extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 18.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.00%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%
    Calcium (min): 0.80%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.70%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles

    EM Kcal/lb 1786 - Mj/lb 7.47
    394 Kcal/cup

    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA Ocean Dog Salmon, COD Cantalou AD MED-MAXI 12kg

    Item No. 15919
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 149.99


    Salmon, dehydrated salmon, sweet potato, cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, dehydrated herring protein, pea fibre, dried carrot, alfalfa meal, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), dried cantaloupe melon, dried blueberry, dried apple, dried spinach, psyllium husks and seeds, dried pomegranate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, dried brewers' yeast, turmeric, aloe vera extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 18.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.00%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%
    Calcium (min): 0.80%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.70%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles

    EM Kcal/lb 1786 - Mj/lb 7.47
    394 Kcal/cup

    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean Salmon and Cod MAXI GIANT 12kg

    Item No. 15920
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 149.99


    Salmon, dehydrated salmon, sweet potato, cod, dehydrated cod, herring oil, dehydrated herring protein, pea fibre, dried carrot, alfalfa meal, inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), dried cantaloupe melon, dried blueberry, dried apple, dried spinach, psyllium husks and seeds, dried pomegranate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, dried brewers' yeast, turmeric, aloe vera extract, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.


    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%
    Crude Fat (min): 18.00%
    Crude Fiber (max): 2.90%
    Moisture (max): 9.00%
    Ash (max): 8.50%
    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min): 1.00%
    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) (min): 0.70%
    Calcium (min): 0.80%
    Phosphorus (min): 0.70%
    Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%
    Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%
    Glucosamine* (min): 1000mg/kg
    Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 700mg/kg.
    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles

    EM Kcal/lb 1786 - Mj/lb 7.47
    394 Kcal/cup

    • Made without Grains
    • 96% Proteins of Animal Origin
    • 0% Artificial Preservatives
    • 0% Grains
    • Low Glycemic Index
    • No Artificial Preservatives
    • Cold Infusion Technology
    • Cruelty Free Research
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean Cod and Orange Pumpkin MINI Sample 50ct

    Item No. 15827
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 0.00

    Fresh codfish (25%), dehydrated codfish (25%), pea starch (20%), fish oil, dehydrated pumpkin (5%), pea vegetable fibre, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, dehydrated sweet orange (0.5%), dehydrated apple, pomegranate powder, spinach powder, psyllium (0.3%), powdered blackcurrant, powdered blueberries, sodium chloride, dried brewer’s yeast, turmeric root (0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, Marigold extract (source of lutein).

    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max):2.90%; Ash (max):7.30%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Calcium (min): 1.20%; Phosphorus (min): 0.90%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA*) (min): 1.00%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA*) (min): 0.70%; Glucosamine* (min): 900mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 600mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1969 - Mj/lb 8.24
    469 Kcal/cup

  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean Cod and Orange Pumpkin MINI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15828
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 49.99

    Fresh codfish (25%), dehydrated codfish (25%), pea starch (20%), fish oil, dehydrated pumpkin (5%), pea vegetable fibre, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, dehydrated sweet orange (0.5%), dehydrated apple, pomegranate powder, spinach powder, psyllium (0.3%), powdered blackcurrant, powdered blueberries, sodium chloride, dried brewer’s yeast, turmeric root (0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, Marigold extract (source of lutein).

    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max):2.90%; Ash (max):7.30%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Calcium (min): 1.20%; Phosphorus (min): 0.90%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA*) (min): 1.00%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA*) (min): 0.70%; Glucosamine* (min): 900mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 600mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1969 - Mj/lb 8.24
    469 Kcal/cup

    • Made without grains
    • 96% proteins of animal origins
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% made with grains and GMO
    • Low glycemic index
    • No artificial preservatives
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean Cod and Orange Pumpkin MINI 7kg

    Item No. 15829
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 99.99

    Fresh codfish (25%), dehydrated codfish (25%), pea starch (20%), fish oil, dehydrated pumpkin (5%), pea vegetable fibre, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, dehydrated sweet orange (0.5%), dehydrated apple, pomegranate powder, spinach powder, psyllium (0.3%), powdered blackcurrant, powdered blueberries, sodium chloride, dried brewer’s yeast, turmeric root (0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, Marigold extract (source of lutein).

    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max):2.90%; Ash (max):7.30%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Calcium (min): 1.20%; Phosphorus (min): 0.90%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA*) (min): 1.00%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA*) (min): 0.70%; Glucosamine* (min): 900mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 600mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    EM Kcal/lb 1969 - Mj/lb 8.24
    469 Kcal/cup

    • Made without grains
    • 96% proteins of animal origins
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% made with grains and GMO
    • Low glycemic index
    • No artificial preservatives
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean CodNOrange PumpkinMED-MAXI Sample 50ct

    Item No. 15830
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 0.00

    Fresh codfish (25%), dehydrated codfish (25%), pea starch (20%), fish oil, dehydrated pumpkin (5%), pea vegetable fibre, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, dehydrated sweet orange (0.5%), dehydrated apple, pomegranate powder, spinach powder, psyllium (0.3%), powdered blackcurrant, powdered blueberries, sodium chloride, dried brewer’s yeast, turmeric root (0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, Marigold extract (source of lutein).

    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max):2.90%; Ash (max):7.30%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Calcium (min): 1.20%; Phosphorus (min): 0.90%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA*) (min): 1.00%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA*) (min): 0.70%; Glucosamine* (min): 900mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 600mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.


    EM Kcal/lb 1969 - Mj/lb 8.24
    469 Kcal/cup

  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean Cod and Orange Pumpkin MED-MAXI 2.5kg

    Item No. 15831
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 49.99

    Fresh codfish (25%), dehydrated codfish (25%), pea starch (20%), fish oil, dehydrated pumpkin (5%), pea vegetable fibre, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, dehydrated sweet orange (0.5%), dehydrated apple, pomegranate powder, spinach powder, psyllium (0.3%), powdered blackcurrant, powdered blueberries, sodium chloride, dried brewer’s yeast, turmeric root (0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, Marigold extract (source of lutein).

    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max):2.90%; Ash (max):7.30%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Calcium (min): 1.20%; Phosphorus (min): 0.90%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA*) (min): 1.00%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA*) (min): 0.70%; Glucosamine* (min): 900mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 600mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.


    EM Kcal/lb 1969 - Mj/lb 8.24
    469 Kcal/cup

    • Made without grains
    • 96% proteins of animal origins
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% made with grains and GMO
    • Low glycemic index
    • No artificial preservatives
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • FARMINA ND Dog Ocean Cod and Orange Pumpkin MED-MAXI 12kg

    Item No. 15832
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 139.99

    Fresh codfish (25%), dehydrated codfish (25%), pea starch (20%), fish oil, dehydrated pumpkin (5%), pea vegetable fibre, dried carrots, dried alfalfa, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, dehydrated sweet orange (0.5%), dehydrated apple, pomegranate powder, spinach powder, psyllium (0.3%), powdered blackcurrant, powdered blueberries, sodium chloride, dried brewer’s yeast, turmeric root (0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, Marigold extract (source of lutein).

    Crude Protein (min): 30.00%; Crude Fat (min): 18.00%; Crude Fiber (max):2.90%; Ash (max):7.30%; Moisture (max): 9.00%; Calcium (min): 1.20%; Phosphorus (min): 0.90%; Omega-6 Fatty Acids* (min): 1.60%; Omega-3 Fatty Acids* (min): 2.30%; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA*) (min): 1.00%; Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA*) (min): 0.70%; Glucosamine* (min): 900mg/kg; Chondroitin Sulfate* (min): 600mg/kg. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.


    EM Kcal/lb 1969 - Mj/lb 8.24
    469 Kcal/cup

    • Made without grains
    • 96% proteins of animal origins
    • 0% artificial preservatives
    • 0% made with grains and GMO
    • Low glycemic index
    • No artificial preservatives
    • Cold infusion technology
    • Packed under protective atmosphere
    • Cruelty free research
  • SQUARE Pet VFS Dog Low Fat Formula 2kg

    Item No. 17421
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 39.99


    Pacific Cod, Brown Rice, Ocean Whitefish Meal, Tapioca, Natural Flavor, Whole Egg, Sunflower Oil Preserved with Mixed Tocopherols, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Jerusalem Artichoke, Psyllium Husk, Choline Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Tricalcium Phosphate, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin Supplement, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Folic Acid, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Calcium Iodate, Selenium Yeast, Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C, Taurine, Marine Microalgae, L-Carnitine, DL-Methionine, Dried Bacillus Coagulans Fermentation Product, Rosemary Extract.


    Crude Protein (min) 25.00%

    Crude Fat (min) 6.00%

    Crude Fat (max) 8.00%

    Crude Fiber (max) 3.00%

    Moisture (max) 12.00%

    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) + (min) 0.30%

    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

    Calcium (min) 1.20%

    Phosphorus (min) 0.80%

    Vitamin E (min) 300 IU/kg

    Omega 6 Fatty Acids* (min) 1.30%

    Omega 3 Fatty Acids* (min) .50%

    Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)* (min) 500 mg/kg

    Taurine* (min) 0.15%

    Bacillus Coagulans* (min) 500,000 CFU/lb

    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    Calorie Content (Calculated):

    3,295 kcal ME/kg

    384 kcal ME/cup


    SquarePet VFS™ Gastrointestinal Support is a veterinary inspired low-fat diet formulated to help support digestive health.

    • Low Fat Formula  is a good fit for dogs that have difficulties digesting or tolerating fat.

    • Certified Sustainable, the Pacific Cod & Ocean Whitefish meal in this product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the MSC’s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery.

    • Easily digestible due to the high quality and certified sustainable fish as well as soluble and insoluble fiber sources to help support GI health.

    • Packed full of important omega 6 & 3 fatty acids including DHA & EPA.  

    • Complete and balanced nutrition for any adult dog

    • All-natural nutrition – no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives & no ingredients from China

    • Made in the USA

    • Veterinarian formulated



    • Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Low Fat Dry Dog Food
    • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Low Fat EN Gastroenteric Dry Dog Food
    • Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet GI Gastrointestinal Support Low Fat Dry Dog Food
    • Hill's Prescription Diet i/ d Digestive Care Low Fat Dry Dog Food
  • SQUARE Pet VFS Dog Low Fat Formula 10kg

    Item No. 17420
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 126.99


    Pacific Cod, Brown Rice, Ocean Whitefish Meal, Tapioca, Natural Flavor, Whole Egg, Sunflower Oil Preserved with Mixed Tocopherols, Dicalcium Phosphate, Salt, Jerusalem Artichoke, Psyllium Husk, Choline Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Tricalcium Phosphate, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin Supplement, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Riboflavin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Folic Acid, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Calcium Iodate, Selenium Yeast, Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C, Taurine, Marine Microalgae, L-Carnitine, DL-Methionine, Dried Bacillus Coagulans Fermentation Product, Rosemary Extract.


    Crude Protein (min) 25.00%

    Crude Fat (min) 6.00%

    Crude Fat (max) 8.00%

    Crude Fiber (max) 3.00%

    Moisture (max) 12.00%

    Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) + (min) 0.30%

    Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

    Calcium (min) 1.20%

    Phosphorus (min) 0.80%

    Vitamin E (min) 300 IU/kg

    Omega 6 Fatty Acids* (min) 1.30%

    Omega 3 Fatty Acids* (min) .50%

    Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)* (min) 500 mg/kg

    Taurine* (min) 0.15%

    Bacillus Coagulans* (min) 500,000 CFU/lb

    *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

    Calorie Content (Calculated):

    3,295 kcal ME/kg

    384 kcal ME/cup


    SquarePet VFS™ Gastrointestinal Support is a veterinary inspired low-fat diet formulated to help support digestive health.

    • Low Fat Formula  is a good fit for dogs that have difficulties digesting or tolerating fat.

    • Certified Sustainable, the Pacific Cod & Ocean Whitefish meal in this product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the MSC’s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery.

    • Easily digestible due to the high quality and certified sustainable fish as well as soluble and insoluble fiber sources to help support GI health.

    • Packed full of important omega 6 & 3 fatty acids including DHA & EPA.  

    • Complete and balanced nutrition for any adult dog

    • All-natural nutrition – no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives & no ingredients from China

    • Made in the USA

    • Veterinarian formulated



    • Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal Low Fat Dry Dog Food
    • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Low Fat EN Gastroenteric Dry Dog Food
    • Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet GI Gastrointestinal Support Low Fat Dry Dog Food
    • Hill's Prescription Diet i/ d Digestive Care Low Fat Dry Dog Food
  • FARMINA ND OCEAN Dog Cod and Pumpkin 6/285g

    Item No. 16041
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 8.59

    Cod, herring, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, herring oil, shrimp, fructooligosaccharide, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine complex, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine.

    crude protein (min) 10.50%; crude fat (min) 4.30%; crude fiber (max) 1.00%; moisture (max) 81.00%; ash (max) 3.00%. Calculated ME : 1061kcal/kg– 302.40kcal/can 

    EM Kcal/lb 481 - Mj/lb 2.01

    N&D Ocean Dog Cod & Pumpkin Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

    • Made without grains
    • Real natural ingredients
    • Complete wet food
    • No artificial preservatives
    • BPA free
    • Made without gum & carrageenan
    • Cruelty-free research
  • FARMINA ND OCEAN Dog Cod and Pumpkin Mini 6/139g

    Item No. 15996
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 5.89

    Cod, herring, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, herring oil, shrimp, fructooligosaccharide, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine complex, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine.

    crude protein (min) 10.50%; crude fat (min) 4.30%; crude fiber (max) 1.00%; moisture (max) 81.00%; ash (max) 3.00%. Calculated ME : 1061kcal/kg– 148.50kcal/can 

    EM Kcal/lb 481 - Mj/lb 2.01

    N&D Ocean Dog Cod & Pumpkin Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

    • Made without grains
    • Real natural ingredients
    • Complete wet food
    • No artificial preservatives
    • BPA free
    • Made without gum & carrageenan
    • Cruelty-free research
  • FARMINA ND OCEAN Dog Salmon and Cod 6/285g

    Item No. 16043
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 8.59

    Salmon, cod, herring, sweet potatoes, herring oil, shrimp, fructooligosaccharide, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine complex, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine.

    crude protein (min) 10.50%; crude fat (min) 4.50%; crude fiber (max) 0.60%; moisture (max) 81.00%; ash (max) 2.80%. Calculated ME : 1115kcal/kg – 317.80kcal/can

    EM Kcal/lb 506 - Mj/lb 2.12

    N&D Ocean Dog Salmon & Cod Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

    • Made without grains
    • Real natural ingredients
    • Complete wet food
    • No artificial preservatives
    • BPA free
    • Made without gum & carrageenan
    • Cruelty-free research
  • FARMINA ND OCEAN Dog Salmon and Cod MINI 6/139g

    Item No. 15998
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 5.89

    Salmon, cod, herring, sweet potatoes, herring oil, shrimp, fructooligosaccharide, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine complex, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine.

    crude protein (min) 10.50%; crude fat (min) 4.50%; crude fiber (max) 0.60%; moisture (max) 81.00%; ash (max) 2.80%. Calculated ME : 1115kcal/kg – 156.10kcal/can

    EM Kcal/lb 506 - Mj/lb 2.1

    N&D Ocean Dog Salmon & Cod Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance. 100% Guaranteed.

    • Made without grains
    • Real natural ingredients
    • Complete wet food
    • No artificial preservatives
    • BPA free
    • Made without gum & carrageenan
    • Cruelty-free research
  • FARMINA ND OCEAN Puppy Cod and Pumpkin 6/285g

    Item No. 16040
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 8.59

    Cod, herring, salmon, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, herring oil, shrimp, fructooligosaccharide, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine complex, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine.

    Crude protein (min) 10.60%; crude fat (min) 5.00%; crude fiber (max) 0.70%; moisture (max) 80.00%; ash (max) 3.30%. Calculated ME : 1098kcal/kg – 312.90kcal/can

    EM Kcal/lb 498 - Mj/lb 2.08

    N&D Ocean Dog Cod & Pumpkin Puppy Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and gestation/lactation, including growth of large size dogs (70 lb. or more as an adult). 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

    • Made without grains
    • Real natural ingredients
    • Complete wet food
    • No artificial preservatives
    • BPA free
    • Made without gum & carrageenan
    • Cruelty-free research
  • FARMINA ND OCEAN Puppy Cod and Pumpkin Mini 6/139g

    Item No. 15995
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 5.99

    Cod, herring, salmon, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, herring oil, shrimp, fructooligosaccharide, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, manganese methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, ferrous glycine complex, copper methionine hydroxy analogue chelate, selenium yeast, DL-methionine, taurine, L-Carnitine.

    crude protein (min) 10.60%; crude fat (min) 5.00%; crude fiber (max) 0.70%; moisture (max) 80.00%; ash (max) 3.30%. Calculated ME : 1098kcal/kg – 312.90kcal/can

    EM Kcal/lb 498 - Mj/lb 2.08

    N&D Ocean Dog Cod & Pumpkin Puppy Recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for growth and gestation/lactation, including growth of large size dogs (70 lb. or more as an adult). 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

    • Made without grains
    • Real natural ingredients
    • Complete wet food
    • No artificial preservatives
    • BPA free
    • Made without gum & carrageenan
    • Cruelty-free research
  • DARFORD Organic Peanut Butter PrePacked Bulk 6/1lb

    Item No. 25000
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 12.72
  • DARFORD Organic Premium Dog Peanut Butter 340g

    Item No. 25185
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 13.24

     Organic Molasses
     Dried Carrots
     Peanut Butter
     Rosemary Extract
     Rolled Oats
     Sunflower Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols)

    Guaranteed Analysis
    Crude protein (min) 10.5%
    Crude fat (min) 8%
    Crude fiber (max) 6%
    Moisture (max) 10%
    Calorie Content (ME calculated) kcals/kg
    Calorie Content (ME calculated) 33kcals/treat

    Darford Organic with Peanut Butter is one of five flavors in Darford’s new Organic treat line. Don’t tell your dog, but the yummy taste of peanut butter is enhanced by the other healthy ingredients, like organic fruits and organic vegetables. Who knew a treat could be so healthy, and so delicious? Your dog certainly didn’t. He just knows how much he loves these new (healthy) peanut butter treats!

  • DARFORD Organic Premium Dog Peanut Butter 5.4kg

    Item No. 25190
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 11.85
  • DARFORD Grain Free Peanut Butter Recipe 340g

    Item No. 25076
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 13.24


    Yellow Peas, Dried Potatoes, Dried Sweet Potatoes, Peanut Butter, Cane Molasses, Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Organic Carrots, Organic Apples, Cranberries, Blueberries, Rosemary Extract


    Guaranteed Analysis

    Protein (min)   13%

    Fat (min)   9%

    Fibre (max)   4%

    Moisture (max)   10%

    Kcals/treat   22

    What do you get when you cross a Darford grain free treat with a whole bunch of peanut butter? A peanuty taste of paradise that dogs love. These treats contain a special blend of fruits and vegetables, they’re rich in antioxidants and vitamins, they contain no artificial colors or flavors and they’re gluten free.

    They’re so tasty in fact, that if you just added a dab of jam…well, you get the picture.

  • DARFORD GF Peanut Butter w/Mixed Veggies Minis 6.8kg

    Item No. 25109
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 11.85


    Yellow Peas, Dried Potatoes, Dried Sweet Potatoes, Peanut Butter, Cane Molasses, Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Organic Carrots, Organic Apples, Cranberries, Blueberries, Rosemary Extract


    Guaranteed Analysis

    Protein (min)   13%

    Fat (min)   9%

    Fibre (max)   4%

    Moisture (max)   10%

    Kcals/treat   22

    What do you get when you cross a Darford grain free treat with a whole bunch of peanut butter? A peanuty taste of paradise that dogs love. These treats contain a special blend of fruits and vegetables, they’re rich in antioxidants and vitamins, they contain no artificial colors or flavors and they’re gluten free. They’re the mini-sized version of the regular Darford Grain Free Peanut Butter treat – mini perhaps, but still packed full of peanuty flavor.

    They’re so tasty in fact, that if you just added a dab of jam…well, you get the picture.

  • DARFORD Grain Free Peanut Butter w/Mixed Veggies 6.8kg

    Item No. 25110
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 11.85


    Yellow Peas, Dried Potatoes, Dried Sweet Potatoes, Peanut Butter, Cane Molasses, Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Organic Carrots, Organic Apples, Cranberries, Blueberries, Rosemary Extract


    Guaranteed Analysis

    Protein (min)   13%

    Fat (min)   9%

    Fibre (max)   4%

    Moisture (max)   10%

    Kcals/treat   22

    What do you get when you cross a Darford grain free treat with a whole bunch of peanut butter? A peanuty taste of paradise that dogs love. These treats contain a special blend of fruits and vegetables, they’re rich in antioxidants and vitamins, they contain no artificial colors or flavors and they’re gluten free.

    They’re so tasty in fact, that if you just added a dab of jam…well, you get the picture.

  • DARFORD Peanut Butter 5.44kg

    Item No. 25019
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 8.44


    Wheat Flour, Peanut Butter, Rolled Oats, Wheat Germ, Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Flaxseed, Turmeric, Brewers Dried Yeast, Rosemary Extract

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Protein (min)   16%

    Fat (min)   7%

    Fibre (max)   4%

    Moisture (max)   10%

    Kcals/treat   24

    All the natural peanut flavor your dog will love, with none of the mess for you. The only thing you’ll miss is the cute smacking sound of him eating the fresh peanut butter that we use in every batch!

    You won’t find any corn, soy or meat by-products in these treats, no artificial colors, preservatives or ingredients from Asia. Just all natural, wholesome ingredients that are locally sourced in British Columbia, Canada. Always oven baked and always delicious!

  • DARFORD Mega Bone Jr Peanut 12/100g

    Item No. 25127
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 3.92


    Wheat Flour, Peanut Butter, Canola Oil (naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols), Rolled Oats, Flaxseed, Brewers Dried Yeast, Turmeric, Rosemary Extract


    Guaranteed Analysis

    Protein (min)   16%

    Fat (min)   7%

    Fibre (max)   3%

    Moisture (max)    10%

    Kcals/treat   421

    Half the size of the Mega P’Nut Bone, this 3.5-ounce Mega Junior is still big and crunchy, and packs a peanut butter punch. Dogs love these hard-baked treats and being extra crunchy means they’re good for their teeth. Perfect for the pooch who prefers a more compact size with fewer calories.

  • NORTHERN Mini Mix Pumpkin Pie and Peanut Crunch 450g

    Item No. 70504
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 15.99
  • NORTHERN Junior Wheat Free Peanut Crunch 190g

    Item No. 70478
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 7.99


    Barley, Peanut Butter, Oats, Molasses, Brewer's Dried Yeast, Mixed Tocopherols (a natural preservative).

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Crude Protein   10% min.

    Crude Fat   5% min.

    Crude Fiber   3% max.

    Moisture   10% max.

    Calories (5g biscuit): approximately 18

    Using pure, natural, made-in-Canada Peanut Butter we have developed a delicious snack that always ranks as our most popular. Slowly baked with whole barley and rolled oats grown and milled locally.
    Vegan formula: ZERO Animal Products.

  • NORTHERN Biscuits Wheat Free Peanut Crunch 500g

    Item No. 70464
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 15.99


    Barley, Peanut Butter, Oats, Molasses, Brewer's Dried Yeast, Mixed Tocopherols (a natural preservative).

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Crude Protein   10% min.

    Crude Fat   5% min.

    Crude Fiber   3% max.

    Moisture   10% max.

    Calories (5g biscuit): approximately 18

    Using pure, natural, made-in-Canada Peanut Butter we have developed a delicious snack that always ranks as our most popular. Slowly baked with whole barley and rolled oats grown and milled locally.
    Vegan formula: ZERO Animal Products.

  • NORTHERN Biscuits Wheat Free Peanut Crunch 1.36kg

    Item No. 70567
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 32.99
  • LIVSTRONG Himalayan Yak Infused Peanut Honey MED 75g

    Item No. 17942
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 14.99

    Only five ingredients – Yak milk, lime, sea salt, peanut butter extract, honey extract

    Himalayan yak cheese chews, or churpi, are popular dog chews made from 100% Himalayan yak milk. The milk is boiled and strained before being compressed and shaped into dense, long-lasting chews. Himalayan yak cheese chews are known for their unique taste and texture. These chews are highly nutritious and a great source of protein, calcium, and other essential minerals for dogs. They are also free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and chemicals, making them a healthy and safe treat option for dogs of all sizes and ages. Sorted, infused, and packed with care in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.  


    Guaranteed analysis (Analyse garantie)crude protein/protéines brutes 69% min, crude fat/matières grasses brutes 1% min, crude fiber/fibres brutes 1% max, moisture/humidité 14% max.

  • LIVSTRONG Himalayan Yak Infused Peanut Honey XL 175g

    Item No. 17944
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 26.99

    Only five ingredients – Yak milk, lime, sea salt, peanut butter extract, honey extract

    Himalayan yak cheese chews, or churpi, are popular dog chews made from 100% Himalayan yak milk. The milk is boiled and strained before being compressed and shaped into dense, long-lasting chews. Himalayan yak cheese chews are known for their unique taste and texture. These chews are highly nutritious and a great source of protein, calcium, and other essential minerals for dogs. They are also free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and chemicals, making them a healthy and safe treat option for dogs of all sizes and ages. Sorted, infused, and packed with care in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.  


    Guaranteed analysis (Analyse garantie)crude protein/protéines brutes 69% min, crude fat/matières grasses brutes 1% min, crude fiber/fibres brutes 1% max, moisture/humidité 14% max.

  • LIVSTRONG Himalayan Yak Cheese PeanutHoney MED 75g Bulk 25ct

    Item No. 17959
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 13.99

    Only five ingredients – Yak milk, lime, sea salt, peanut butter extract, honey extract

    Himalayan yak cheese chews, or churpi, are popular dog chews made from 100% Himalayan yak milk. The milk is boiled and strained before being compressed and shaped into dense, long-lasting chews. Himalayan yak cheese chews are known for their unique taste and texture. These chews are highly nutritious and a great source of protein, calcium, and other essential minerals for dogs. They are also free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and chemicals, making them a healthy and safe treat option for dogs of all sizes and ages. Sorted, infused, and packed with care in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.  


    Guaranteed analysis (Analyse garantie)crude protein/protéines brutes 69% min, crude fat/matières grasses brutes 1% min, crude fiber/fibres brutes 1% max, moisture/humidité 14% max.

  • LIVSTRONG Himalayan Yak Cheese PeanutHoney XL 175g Bulk 15ct

    Item No. 17960
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 26.99

    Only five ingredients – Yak milk, lime, sea salt, peanut butter extract, honey extract

    Himalayan yak cheese chews, or churpi, are popular dog chews made from 100% Himalayan yak milk. The milk is boiled and strained before being compressed and shaped into dense, long-lasting chews. Himalayan yak cheese chews are known for their unique taste and texture. These chews are highly nutritious and a great source of protein, calcium, and other essential minerals for dogs. They are also free from artificial flavors, preservatives, and chemicals, making them a healthy and safe treat option for dogs of all sizes and ages. Sorted, infused, and packed with care in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.  


    Guaranteed analysis (Analyse garantie)crude protein/protéines brutes 69% min, crude fat/matières grasses brutes 1% min, crude fiber/fibres brutes 1% max, moisture/humidité 14% max.

  • N-BONE Puppy Teething Ring Peanut Butter Single

    Item No. 14087
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 5.59
  • N-BONE Puppy Teething Ring Peanut Butter 6pk

    Item No. 14088
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 22.49
  • N-BONE Puppy Teething Rings Peanut Butter Flavor 3ct/102g

    Item No. 14177
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 11.59
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