Dog Wet Food: Natural Dog and Puppy Wet Food

As a leading dog wet food wholesale distributor in Canada, Maddies Pet Products proudly presents an extensive range of natural dog and puppy wet food. Our selection is meticulously curated to cater to the nutritional needs of dogs at every life stage, from playful puppies to seasoned seniors.
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Dog wet food, or canned dog food, is a type of pet food packed with moisture. It is an essential part of a balanced diet for dogs and puppies due to its high water content, which aids in hydration and makes the food more palatable. It's also an excellent source of protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals contributing to overall health and well-being.
At Maddies Pet Products, we understand that every dog and their dietary needs are unique. That's why we offer a diverse range of brands to choose from. Our catalog includes premium brands like Boreal, Canada Fresh, Farmina, Identity, Petkind, Rawz, Taste of the Wild, Tripett, Ziwi Peak, and Nummy-Tum-Tum. These brands are renowned for their commitment to quality, natural ingredients, and nutritional value.
As a dog-wet food wholesaler, we are committed to providing our clients with the best products. We serve pet shops, pet stores, pet food shops, pet food stores, pet supplies shops, and pet supplies stores across Canada. We aim to help these businesses offer their customers a variety of top-quality, natural dog and puppy-wet food options.
With over 25 years of experience in the pet food industry, Maddies Pet Products is more than just a distributor; we are experts in pet nutrition. We are here to help your business thrive by providing the best natural dog and puppy wet food options. Trust Maddies Pet Products to deliver the quality your customers expect and their desired variety.
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is dog wet food?

Dog wet food, or canned dog food, is a type of pet food packed with moisture. It's an excellent source of protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals source.

Q: Why is wet food essential for dogs and puppies?

Wet food is essential for dogs and puppies due to its high water content, which aids in hydration and makes the food more palatable. It also provides a balanced diet.

Q: What brands of dog wet food does Maddies Pet offer?

Maddies Pet offers a variety of premium brands, including Boreal, Canada Fresh, Farmina, Identity, Petkind, Rawz, Taste of the Wild, Tripett, Ziwi Peak, and Nummy-Tum-Tum.

Q: Who are Maddies Pet's ideal customers?

Maddies Pet's ideal customers are pet shops, pet stores, pet food shops, pet food stores, pet supplies shops, and pet supplies stores in the Canadian market.

Q: How does wet food contribute to a dog's health?

Wet food contributes to a dog's health by providing essential nutrients, aiding in hydration, and being easy to digest. It also benefits dogs with dental issues or decreased sense of smell.

Q: Can I feed my dog only wet food?

Yes, you can feed your dog only wet food. However, it's essential to ensure the food is nutritionally balanced. It's also recommended to consult with a vet for personalized feeding advice.

Q: What is the shelf life of dog wet food?

Unopened cans of dog wet food can last for years when stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened, the food should be used within 2-3 days and stored in the refrigerator.

Q: Is wet food suitable for puppies?

Yes, wet food is suitable for puppies. It's often recommended for young puppies due to its high moisture content and ease of eating and digestion.

Q: Can I mix wet food with dry food for my dog?

Mixing wet food with dry food can provide a balanced diet for your dog and make the meal more appealing. However, it's important to maintain a proper balance to ensure nutritional needs are met.

Q: How much wet food should I feed my dog?

The amount of wet food to feed your dog depends on size, age, and activity level. It's best to follow the feeding guidelines on the food packaging and consult with a vet for personalized advice.

Q: Is wet food good for dogs with dental issues?

Yes, wet food can be easier for dogs with dental issues to eat as it requires less chewing than dry food. However, it's important to maintain dental hygiene as wet food can contribute to plaque build-up.

Q: Can wet food help with my dog's hydration?

Yes, the high moisture content in wet food can help with your dog's hydration, especially for dogs that don't drink enough water on their own.

Q: How should I transition my dog from dry food to wet food?

Transitioning from dry to wet food should be done gradually over a week to avoid digestive upset. Start by mixing a small amount of wet food with the dry food, gradually increasing the amount of wet food while decreasing the dry food.

Q: What are the benefits of feeding my dog a natural wet food?

Natural wet food often contains high-quality, whole-food ingredients, which can provide better nutrition. It can also be more palatable and digestible for dogs, and can contribute to healthier skin, coat, and overall wellbeing.

Q: Are there any cons to feeding my dog wet food?

While wet food has many benefits, it can be more expensive than dry food, and once opened, it doesn't last as long. It can also contribute to dental plaque if dental hygiene is not maintained.

Q: Can I feed my dog the same wet food every day?

Yes, as long as the wet food is nutritionally complete and balanced. However, some dogs may enjoy variety in their diet, so rotating between different flavors or brands can be beneficial.

Q: How does Maddies Pet ensure the quality of the wet food they distribute?

Maddies Pet ensures quality by carefully selecting brands committed to using high-quality, natural ingredients and maintaining high production standards.

If you don't find what you are looking for or need help choosing the right product for your pet, please use the live chat button at the bottom of the page. We’ll be happy to help you!

5 Results

Per Page
  • TOTW Dog High Prairie 12/13.2oz

    Item No. 16155
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 4.99
    Beef, lamb broth, vegetable broth, lamb liver, dried egg product, bison, potato starch, potatoes, peas, roasted lamb, roasted venison, ocean fish, guar gum, sunflower oil, tricalcium phosphate, natural flavor, calcium carbonate, sodium phosphate, salt, potassium chloride, inulin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, choline chloride, yucca schidigera extract, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin E supplement, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, sodium selenite, cobalt amino acid chelate, niacin supplement, d-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid.
    Guaranteed Analysis
    • Crude Protein 8.0% Minimum
    • Crude Fat 4.0% Minimum
    • Crude Fiber 1.0% Maximum
    • Moisture 82.0% Maximum
    • Calorie Content (ME Calculated) 989 kcal/kg, 305 kcal/can (13.2 oz.)

    A great tasting complement to the dry Taste of the Wild formulas, the High Prairie Canine Formula with Bison in Gravy will satisfy even the most finicky dogs. This complete and balanced formula can also be fed as your pet’s sole diet. Made with bison, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Contains bison, lamb and venison for a blend of quality animal protein sources to meet the needs of your special pet. Potatoes and peas are excellent sources of nutrients, but also are highly digestible carbohydrate sources. Tomatoes, blueberries and raspberries deliver antioxidants to help give your friend a healthy lifestyle.

  • TRIPETT Red Meat Formula 12/340g

    Item No. 21805
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 5.69


    Beef Tripe, Venison Tripe, Bison Tripe, Lamb Tripe, Water, Guar Gum

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Crude Protein (min): 10.5%
    Crude Fat (min): 5.0%
    Crude Fiber (max):0.25%
    Moisture (max):79.9%
    Ash (max):1%
    Omega 6 (min):0.28%
    Omega 3 (min)0.22%
    Sodium: 90.7mg/100g
    Phosphorus: 69.2mg/100g
    Calcium: 92.6mg/100g

  • TRIPETT Green Bison Tripe 12/396g

    Item No. 21816
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 5.69


    Green bison tripe, water, garlic, carrageenan gum


    Guaranteed Analysis

    Crude Protein   10.5% Min

    Crude Fat   4.5% Min

    Crude Fiber   0.3% Max

    Moisture   79.9% Max

    Ash   1% Max

    Fatty Acids (Omega 6)   0.15% Min

    Fatty Acids (Omega 3)   0.14% Min

    Sodium   73.2 mg/100g

    Phosphorus   48.0 mg/100g

    Calcium   37.6 mg/100g

    Caloric Content   336.60Cal/can

    Tripett Green Bison Tripe is a grain-free product consisting of nearly 100% Green Bison Tripe. Good for all breeds and all sizes. Tripett. Feed well.

    Our green bison tripe is unique alternative to dogs with specific allergies, and mixes nicely with dry and raw food.

  • TRIPETT Dog Green Bison Tripe 24/170g

    Item No. 22823
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 3.39


    Green bison tripe, water, garlic, carrageenan gum


    Guaranteed Analysis

    Crude Protein   10.5% Min

    Crude Fat   4.5% Min

    Crude Fiber   0.3% Max

    Moisture   79.9% Max

    Ash   1% Max

    Fatty Acids (Omega 6)   0.15% Min

    Fatty Acids (Omega 3)   0.14% Min

    Sodium   73.2 mg/100g

    Phosphorus   48.0 mg/100g

    Calcium   37.6 mg/100g

    Caloric Content   336.60Cal/can

  • TRIPETT Dog Red Meat 24/170g

    Item No. 22824
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 3.39


    Beef Tripe, Venison Tripe, Bison Tripe, Lamb Tripe, Water, Guar Gum

    Guaranteed Analysis

    Crude Protein (min): 10.5%
    Crude Fat (min): 5.0%
    Crude Fiber (max):0.25%
    Moisture (max):79.9%
    Ash (max):1%
    Omega 6 (min):0.28%
    Omega 3 (min)0.22%
    Sodium: 90.7mg/100g
    Phosphorus: 69.2mg/100g
    Calcium: 92.6mg/100g

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