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Dog Food: Wide Selection of Natural Dog & Puppy Food

For over 25 years, Maddies Natural Pet Products has been Western Canada's leading natural pet product distributor. We are well-versed in the significance of providing our cherished canine companions with the highest quality nutrition. Dog food plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of dogs and puppies at every stage of their lives.

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As a leading dog food wholesale distributor, Maddies is committed to offering an exceptional selection of natural dog and puppy food options from the industry's most respected brands. Maddies Natural Pet Products, a distinguished dog food wholesaler, features a broad range of products from premier brands.

Our comprehensive catalog caters to dogs' unique dietary needs and preferences at every life stage, making it an ideal solution for pet food shops and pet supplies stores in the Western Canadian market.

We recognize that dogs require various protein sources and nutritional options to flourish. That's why our range includes ingredients such as bacon, beef, bison, boar, buffalo, chicken, cod, duck, egg, fish, herring, lamb, mackerel, mutton, peanut butter, plant, pork, quail, rabbit, salmon, seafood, trout, tuna, turkey, venison, vegetable, fruit, mint, pumpkin, vanilla, cheese, sweet potatoes, cranberry, and banana, as well as grain-free, odor-free, non-GMO, with-grain, and limited ingredient diet options.

In addition to providing diverse products, Maddies addresses specific health concerns, such as weight control, urinary support, digestive care, skin and coat care, fur care, neutered dogs, muscle development, and hairball control. Our dedication to quality and innovation ensures that our retail partners have access to the finest natural dog and puppy food solutions, allowing them to meet the evolving needs of discerning Canadian pet owners.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What are the different types of dog food available?

Various types of dog food include dry kibble, wet or canned food, dehydrated, freeze-dried, raw, fresh food, chews, bones, and treats suitable for dogs and puppies at all life stages.

Q: How often should I feed my dog?

Feeding frequency depends on factors such as age, size, breed, and activity level. Generally, adult dogs should be fed twice a day, while puppies may require more frequent meals. Consult your veterinarian for personalized feeding recommendations.

Q: What are the benefits of grain-free dog food?

Grain-free dog food can be beneficial for dogs with allergies or sensitivities to grains, as it may reduce inflammation and improve digestion.

Q: How do I transition my dog to a new food?

Introduce the new food gradually over a period of 7-10 days by mixing it with the old food, slowly increasing the ratio of new to old until your dog is fully transitioned.

Q: Can I feed my dog a vegetarian or vegan diet?

While dogs are omnivores and can adapt to a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is crucial to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Consult your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog's diet.

Q: What is a limited-ingredient diet?

A limited ingredient diet is designed to minimize potential allergens by using a single protein source and a few select ingredients, making it easier to identify and avoid ingredients that may cause sensitivities.

Q: How do I choose the best dog food for my pet?

Consider factors such as high-quality ingredients, appropriate nutritional profile, and consult your veterinarian for personalized recommendations based on your dog's specific needs.

Q: What are the benefits of a raw diet for dogs?

Raw diets are uncooked and unprocessed. Dogs benefit from these raw meals since they are packed with naturally occurring, high levels of protein and nutrients. Raw meals are closer to how your dog's ancestors used to eat. Talk to your veterinarian about the many ways a raw diet can help your dog.

Q: What should I look for in a puppy food?

Puppy food should be formulated specifically for growing dogs, with higher protein, fat, and calorie content than adult dog food, as well as added nutrients for optimal growth and development.

Q: How do I know if my dog has a food allergy or sensitivity?

Signs of food allergies or sensitivities include vomiting, diarrhea, itching, skin issues, and hair loss. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has a food-related issue.

Q: Can dogs eat cat food?

No, cat food is formulated for cats' specific nutritional needs and may not provide a balanced diet for dogs. Feeding dogs cat food can lead to nutritional imbalances and health issues.

Q: What is the best way to store dog food?

Keep dry dog food in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, and refrigerate any opened cans of wet food. Always follow the manufacturer's storage recommendations.

Q: How can I encourage my dog to drink more water?

Provide fresh water daily, consider using a dog water fountain, and feed wet food to help increase your dog's water intake.

Q: How do I know if my dog is overweight?

An overweight dog may have difficulty feeling their ribs, a rounded appearance, or a sagging belly. Consult your veterinarian for an accurate assessment and weight management plan.

Q: What are the benefits of a high-protein dog food?

High-protein dog food supports muscle maintenance, helps manage weight, and provides essential amino acids for overall health.

Q: Can I feed my dog human food?

Some human foods are safe for dogs in small amounts, but others can be toxic. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing new foods to your dog's diet.

Q: How do I prevent a food aggression in dogs?

To prevent food aggression, practice consistent feeding routines, provide a calm environment during mealtime, and use positive reinforcement training. If your dog exhibits aggressive behavior, consult a professional dog trainer or veterinarian for guidance.

Q: Are there dog foods specifically designed for certain breeds?

Yes, some dog foods are formulated to address the unique nutritional needs and health concerns of specific breeds. Consult your veterinarian to determine if a breed-specific food is appropriate for your dog.

Q: How do I choose the right dog food for my dog's specific health condition?

Consult your veterinarian for personalized recommendations based on your dog's health condition, as they may suggest a prescription diet or a food tailored to address specific health concerns.

Q: What are the benefits of including fruits and vegetables in dog food?

Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health, immune function, and digestive wellness in dogs.

Q: Is it safe to feed my dog a raw food diet?

While some pet owners and veterinarians advocate for raw food diets, there are potential risks, such as bacterial contamination and imbalanced nutrition. Consult your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog's diet.

If you don't find what you are looking for or need help choosing the right product for your pet, please use the live chat button at the bottom of the page. We’ll be happy to help you!

10 Results

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  • FISH LAKE ROAD Arctic Charr-Beef Complete Raw Meal 16/227g

    Item No. 65457
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 61.99

    Arctic Charr and Beef Complete Raw Meal

    All the benefits of the Arctic Charr meal, with the iron and protein boost of Beef. This complete meal contains beef muscle and heart components, for a vitamin and mineral rich offering. Rounded out with a blend of Kale, Cucumber, Lettuce, Celery, Cauliflower, Yam, Carrot, Kelp, and Apples, the Arctic Charr and Beef Complete Raw Meal gives your pet the muscle fuel they need for an active life.

    Guaranteed Analysis (per 100g)

    • Crude Protein (min)14.9%
    • Crude Fat (min)14.9%
    • Crude Fiber (max)0.68%
    • Moisture (max)67%
    • Ash1.8%
    • Carbohydrates1.4%
    • Phosphorus0.31%
    • Calcium0.35%
    • Gross Energy (kcal/100g)199
      Complete Raw Meal products contain:

      Muscle Meat . . . . . . . . . . . 70%
      Vegetables & Fruit . . . . . . 10%
      Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
      Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%

      Comes in an 8 lbs box containing 16 x 8oz patties

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Arctic Charr-Lamb Complete Raw Meal 16/227g

    Item No. 65456
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 66.69

    Arctic Charr and Lamb Complete Raw Meal

    All the benefits of the Arctic Charr meal, with the added benefits of lamb heart and muscle. Lamb is an excellent lean protein and easy to digest. That naturally makes lamb a great choice for less active pets, or those with digestive issues. In addition, lamb is a protein and flavour that pets love.


    Guaranteed Analysis (per 100g)

    • Crude Protein (min)12.7%
    • Crude Fat (min)15.9%
    • Crude Fiber (max)0.65%
    • Moisture (max)65.6%
    • Ash4.4%
    • Carbohydrates1.4%
    • Phosphorus0.46%
    • Calcium0.63%
    • Gross Energy (kcal/100g)200
      Complete Raw Meal products contain:

      Muscle Meat . . . . . . . . . . . 70%
      Vegetables & Fruit . . . . . . 10%
      Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
      Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%

      Comes in an 8 lbs box containing 16 x 8oz patties

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Arctic Charr Meal Complete Raw Meal 16/227g

    Item No. 65458
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 47.59

    Arctic Charr Complete Raw Meal

    For the fish lover in your pet. This meal contains the entire fish, as well as a complement of Kale, Cucumber, Lettuce, Celery, Cauliflower, Yam, Carrot, Kelp, and Apples. The organ and bone compliment in this meal comes from the Arctic Charr as well. This meal is a good source of Omega 3 and Vitamin D.

    Guaranteed Analysis (per 100g)

    • Crude Protein (min)13.2%
    • Crude Fat (min)11.8%
    • Crude Fiber (max)0.76%
    • Moisture (max)72%
    • Ash1.9%
    • Carbohydrates1.1%
    • Phosphorus0.46%
    • Calcium0.62%
    • Gross Energy (kcal/100g)163
  • FISH LAKE ROAD Arctic Charr-Rabbit Complete Raw Meal 16/227g

    Item No. 65455
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 77.99

    Arctic Charr and Rabbit Complete Raw Meal

    Super high in protein and low in Cholesterol, rabbit is the perfect compliment to Arctic Charr. This Complete Raw meal is often an instant hit with pets and pet parents alike. Arctic Charr and rabbit alongside our blend of Kale, Cucumber, Lettuce, Celery, Cauliflower, Yam, Carrot, Kelp and Apples means this meal contributes to your pet’s nervous system health. Because rabbit is a novel protein, it is great for pets with sensitive stomachs or allergies.


    Guaranteed Analysis (per 100g)

    • Crude Protein (min)14.4%
    • Crude Fat (min)10.9%
    • Crude Fiber (max)0.54%
    • Moisture (max)67.9%
    • Ash5.7%
    • Carbohydrates1.1%
    • Phosphorus0.85%
    • Calcium1.41%
    • Gross Energy (kcal/100g)160
      Complete Raw Meal products contain:

      Muscle Meat . . . . . . . . . . . 70%
      Vegetables & Fruit . . . . . . 10%
      Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
      Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%

      Comes in an 8 lbs box containing 16 x 8oz patties

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Variety Pack Complete Raw Meal 16/227g

    Item No. 65459
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 61.69

    Arctic Charr Variety Pack Meal

    For those wanting a range of flavours or simply cannot decide, they offer a Variety Pack. It contains four 8 oz packages of each Complete Meal: Arctic Charr Meal, Arctic Charr and Beef, Arctic Charr and Rabbit, and Arctic Charr and Lamb.

    Complete Raw Meal products contain:

    Muscle Meat . . . . . . . . . . . 70%
    Vegetables & Fruit . . . . . . 10%
    Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%
    Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%

    Comes in an 8 lbs box containing 16 x 8oz patties

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Arctic Charr 100% Ground Arctic Charr 16/227g

    Item No. 65460
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 50.49

    Pure Arctic Charr

    Just a single ingredient… Arctic Charr and frozen into convenient half-pound packages.

    High in protein, energy, and Omega 3s, this food source staple for dogs in the Yukon is available for your pet.

    Pure Arctic Charr is an excellent meal topper or protein boost for active pets.



    100% Pure Arctic Charr


    Guaranteed Analysis (per 100g)

    • Crude Protein (min)17.5%
    • Crude Fat (min)15.8%
    • Crude Fiber (max)1.25%
    • Moisture (max)63.03%
    • Ash3.8%
    • Carbohydrates1%
    • Phosphorus0.69%
    • Calcium1.09%
    • Gross Energy (kcal/100g)247
  • FISH LAKE ROAD Dog Treat Arctic Charr Original 80g

    Item No. 65450
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 9.99

    Fish Lake Road’s sustainably sourced Arctic Charr treats give country and city pets alike a taste of the Yukon. Designed for peak pet performance, each heart healthy treat is naturally rich with Omega 3, fish oil and Vitamin D.

    Dogs love whole fish, so we have included all parts of the fish in this treat. It is grain free, just pure Arctic Charr. If you look closely, you might see some bones, skin and organ parts. This is intentional… to make a treat as close as possible to the whole fish dogs love yet removing the unpleasant fishy look and smell for pet parents.


    Arctic Charr, Buckwheat Flour, Brewer's Yeast, Mixed Tocopherols (Natural Preservative)

    Fish Lake Road’s sustainably sourced Arctic Charr treats give country and city pets alike a taste of the Yukon. Designed for peak pet performance, each heart healthy treat is naturally rich with Omega 3, fish oil and Vitamin D.

    Dogs love whole fish, so we have included all parts of the fish in this treat. It is grain free, just pure Arctic Charr. If you look closely, you might see some bones, skin and organ parts. This is intentional… to make a treat as close as possible to the whole fish dogs love yet removing the unpleasant fishy look and smell for pet parents.

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Dog Treat Arctic Charr w/ Rabbit 80g

    Item No. 65451
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 9.99

    Arctic Charr has been combined with rabbit for a treat that has energy-boosting vitamin B12, natural sources of Omega 3, fish oil, and vitamin D. This flavourful snack works to support a healthy coat, strong muscles, and sensitive stomachs.


    Arctic Charr, Buckwheat Flour, Brewer's Yeast, Rabbit, Mixed Tocopherols (Natural Preservative)

    Give your dog a taste of surf & turf! 

    Arctic Charr has been combined with rabbit for a treat that has energy-boosting vitamin B12, natural sources of Omega 3, fish oil, and vitamin D. This flavourful snack works to support a healthy coat, strong muscles, and sensitive stomachs.

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Dog Treat Arctic Charr w/ Seaweed 80g

    Item No. 65452
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 9.99

    Arctic Charr – the world’s northernmost fish has been combined with nutrient-rich seaweed. This treat is full of fiber, Omega 3, fish oil, and vitamin D to support a healthy digestive system, strong bones, and healthy coats in even the pickiest of pets.


    Arctic Charr, Buckwheat Flour, Brewer's Yeast, Seaweed, Mixed Tocopherols (Natural Preservative)

    Give your dog our Yukon sushi roll! 

    Arctic Charr – the world’s northernmost fish has been combined with nutrient-rich seaweed. This treat is full of fiber, Omega 3, fish oil, and vitamin D to support a healthy digestive system, strong bones, and healthy coats in even the pickiest of pets.

  • FISH LAKE ROAD Dog Treat Arctic Charr w/ Sweet Potato 80g

    Item No. 65453
    Case Qty:
    MSRP Each
    $ 9.99

    This treat combines sweet potato with our classic treat recipe. The result is a unique treat packed with Omega 3, fish oil, and vitamin D to support a healthy digestive system, strong bones, and a happy heart.


    Arctic Charr, Sweet Potato, Buckwheat Flour, Brewer's Yeast, Mixed Tocopherols (Natural Preservative)

    Give your dog a taste of fish & chips! 

    In one package, your pet will have our classic Arctic Charr treat, placed in the same bag with delicious sweet potato fries. The result is a unique treat packed with Omega 3, fish oil, and vitamin D to support a healthy digestive system, strong bones, and a happy heart.

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